Motivation and counselling
This process is carried out by the use of various audio visual aids, charts,
models, etc. It includes advice on importance of oral hygiene, various brushing techniques, preventive
care and post-operative care.
Scaling & root planing (Cleaning of teeth)
Deals with cleaning of teeth of all soft & hard deposits and tartar, it also
helps remove stains which are mainly caused by tobacco, tea, coffee, gutka, pan masala, etc.
Treatment of gingival growths
(overgrowth of the gums)
This Department deals with the treatment of, swelling and overgrowth of gums,
which may involve a local region or the entire mouth.
Periodontal surgery (gum surgery)
Pyorrhoea, one of the most commonly known gum diseases, is treated using a
two-stage procedure: first being superficial cleaning of deposits and stains, and second stage involves
deeper cleaning of gums to eliminate and/or arrest disease process. An unfortunate side effect of
pyorrhoea is the gradual loss of jaw bone which we attempt to regain by the use of internationally
accepted bone graft materials. In addition to this we also successfully regenerate the bone by using the
latest technologies of bone regeneration using the patient's own blood like PRF technology.
Dental implants
Restoring the normal functioning and aesthetics of the patient's teeth using
dental implants.
Perioplastic surgeries
(aesthetic procedures)
This includes correction of gummy smile, abnormal tongue attachment to base of
mouth, abnormal muscle attachment between lips and gums & elongated teeth.
Dental laser therapy
It has been proven that the use of laser for certain procedures, or as an
adjunct to certain procedures is efficient in terms of treatment as well as the acceptance of the patient.
This can be used for relieving abnormal muscle attachments, as adjunct to periodontal therapy.