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Dr. N.D. Desai

The son of Dharmsinh Dadubhai Desai, founder of the university, serves as the President of the university.

Complete Profile (PDF format)

Board of Governors

Dr. N.D. Desai, President, Dharmsinh Desai University

Shri Chaitanya N. Desai

Prof. N.R. Dave

Prof. S.K. Khanna (ex-chairman: AICTE)

Shri Kushal N. Desai

Honourable Dinsha Patel

Shri Hasmukh Adhiya

Shri Pankai R. Patel

Shri Nirupama Nanavati

Shri Harshad Dalal

Dr. R.N. Mishra

Dr. Ravindra Dholakia

Shri Pratul Shroff

Dr. K.S. Dasgupta

List Including Addresses (PDF format)

Vice Chancellor

Dr. H.M. Desai

Dharmsinh Desai University is proud to have Dr. H.M. Desai as its Vice Chancellor.

Complete Profile (PDF format)


Prof. Rajanikant Jain

serves as registrar to the university.

Academic Council

Vice Chancellor, DDU

Prof. D.G. Panchal, Dean, Faculty of Technology, DDU

Dr. B.S. Jathal, Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences, DDU

Dr. P.A. Joshi, Prof., Chemical Engg. Department, DDU

Prof. G.S. Shah, Faculty of BBA, DDU

Dr. B.N. Shugia, Faculty of Pharmacy, DDU

Dr. R.N. Mishra, PRL, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad

Dr. Ravindra Dholakia, IIM, Ahmedabad

Shri Pratul Shroff, MD, eInfochips, Ahmedabad

Dr. K.S. Dasgupta, Director, IISST, Department of Space, Valiamala, Thiruvananthapuram

Registrar, DDU

Finance Committee

Board of Studies

Faculty of Technology

Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Dental Science

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Management and Information Science

Board of Sports

Prof. R.K. Jain, Registrar

Prof. D.G. Panchal, Dean, Faculty of Technology
Dr. B.S. Jathal, Dean, Faculty of Dental Science
Dr. Suhagia, Dean, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy
Prof. G.R. Meriya, Dean, Faculty of Commerce
Dr. Nimish Joshi, Dean, Faculty of BBA

Physical Education Teachers
Shri Gautam Chauhan
Shri B.R. Zala

IQAC Coordinator
Dr. N.K. Patel

Full List with Faculty Members

Research and Development Committee

Internal Quality Asurance Cell (IQAC)

Coordinator: Dr. N.K. Patel

Full Report FY 2013-14 (PDF format)
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